Entertainment Weekly has a recent interview with actor Aidan Turner – otherwise known as Kili in the upcoming ‘The Hobbit’ films. Some highlight below, and for the full story visit Popwatch at EW.com:
You were sporting a pretty impressive beard at the Hobbit press conference. Is that for Kili?
AIDAN TURNER: Yeah, it is. I’m growing out the beard. We’re giving it a chance, seeing what it looks like.Is that how Peter Jackson plans to make you less handsome and more dwarf-like?
To de-handsomify me? [Laughs] No, not really. I mean, famously in the books, the dwarves have really long beards, so we’re just trying stuff out and seeing what it looks like.Are you in “hobbit boot camp” now?
Yeah. Well, it’s dwarf boot camp, not really hobbit boot camp. It’s just all dwarves—training and stuff.
[Read More] (Thanks to Ringer Irfon for the heads up!)