Yes, he did, on quite a regular basis. GDT, as he’s affectionately know here, quietly registered on the boards shortly before it was officially announced on April 24, 2008 that he would direct the two Hobbit films. His username is “Guillermo.” He posted an amazingly crafted riddle (both here and on the Hellboy site) reminiscent of the “riddle game’ between Bilbo and Gollum in The Hobbit. His intention was to have us guess the time of the official announcement that he was to direct the two films, but legalities delayed it by a few days.
Sadly, his decision to leave the Hobbit production broke as an exclusive story right here on our site, and he posted farewell messages to us all. To this day he remains a registered user here and a valued member of our community, and still drops in from time to time. We will always cherish his friendship and wish him nothing but the very best in his future endeavors.
Useful Links:
GDT’s original riddle post
GDT’s riddle reply post
GDT’s introductory post
Gullermo Del Toro Departs “The Hobbit”
GDT’s Hobbit Farewell post