Rumors that PJ was in talks with MGM to make two Hobbit movies started circulating as early as mid-2006. After months of speculation, the announcement that PJ would actually produce the two films came on December 18, 2007. Guillermo Del Toro was announced as the director on April 24th of 2008 and word that Peter, Guillermo, Phillipa Boyens and Fran Walsh had started writing the script as a team came in August of that year. So, it looked like Peter would wear two hats, those of producer and screen-writer, until May 30, 2010 when Del Toro stepped down from the director’s role. After more months of speculation, the announcement was finally made on October 1, 2010 that PJ would, indeed, add a third hat to his responsibilities: that of director.
Useful Links:
Peter Jackson to produce “The Hobbit”
Del Toro announced as Hobbit director
Scripting for “The Hobbit” Begins
Peter Jackson to Direct “The Hobbit”