If you’re already a professional or semi-professional actor, you should work through your agent and/or contact talent agencies in Wellington. Other than that, the only way to become an extra in the films is to be *in* New Zealand at the time casting calls go out (and specifically *in* the city in which they need extras on the days announcements are made) and either be a citizen of New Zealand or possess a New Zealand work permit.
Calls for extras will occur much the same as they did for LOTR: ads will be published in local papers and broadcast on local radio stations and you will have to be available to work within 24-48 hours. So, unless you’re a Kiwi, or are ready, willing and able to move to New Zealand for two years, happen to be in the right place at the right time and are fully documented to work there, you’re unfortunately out of luck. If you’re lucky enough to be a New Zealand citizen or be legally working there, you’re the envy of us all!!
For any non-Kiwis who still want to give it a go, tourist visas to New Zealand are currently valid for 90 days. A number of countries have working holiday visa schemes with New Zealand; they are generally valid for 12 months and allow you to work for up to three months at a time; you also have to be aged between 18 and 30 to be eligible. See Immigration NZ for details.
Another possible option, though a bit of a long shot, is that at one time, GDT indicated that they may hold a contest or two that would allow fans to have a small role as an extra in the movies. There have been no indications since that statement that such a thing may still be in the works. However, the production is still in the early stages. If we hear anything here at TORn, we’ll be sure and post it on the Home Page!
Important note: When TORn hears of casting calls and calls for extras we post the news immediately on the Home Page. However, no one at TORn can get you cast as an extra in the movie, so emailing us with such requests is, unfortunately, futile. If you’ve read through this entry, you now know as much as we do!
Update – (3Foot7 address correction): Early in 2010, incorrect contact and address details were posted to TORN and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this caused. See link below for updated contact information fro 3Foot 7. However, note that 3Foot7 has confirmed that as of May 18, 2010, they no longer need any further applications. See link below for corrected contact information.
Useful Links:
merklynn’s post on what it takes to be an extra – from experience!
3Foot 7 extra casting update, May 18, 2010