Ringer Cherie sent in this beautiful picture of her 17 week old puppy, Bilbo Baggins (a Corgi), and it got us thinking. We’ve never asked the fans worldwide to submit their pictures of pets named after Tolkien related characters. We know there are a lot of you out there with pictures, so let’s share them with all of Tolkien fandom!
Here are two ways to participate:
- Forums – Click on the ‘Discuss‘ link associated with this post and you will magically transported to our forum where you can submit a reply with your pet picture(s).
- Use Flickr – Post your picture in our ‘Tolkien Pet Gallery‘ on Flickr. We’ve made it a public group, so as long as you have a Flickr account, you should be able to participate.
Feel free to post in one or both places – whatever is easiest for you! We’d love to see your pictures and we will occasionally be featuring your pets right here on TORn’s homepage! Oh, and if there are any Tolkien related businesses out there that want to share some prizes for the folks who participate, drop us an email! [Discuss] [Flickr Gallery]
Update: for those of you new to posting on our message boards, no less uploading pictures, there’s an excellent tutorial at the TORn Image Guide (by board member Magpie) and/or you can email Altaira@theonering.net for help.