Janelle from Badali Jewelry writes: Your readers may like to know that we will be having a Comic Con Preview Night Exclusive Sale. To celebrate our 6th year attending Comic Con, during Preview Night (Wednesday the 21st) all customers will receive 30% off their entire purchase (excludes items already on sale). This is a chance to receive the lowest prices on our jewelry for the entire year.
We will have a full inventory of Sterling Silver One Rings, Nenya’s, Smaug’s and Gollum Gold One Ring Necklaces, as well as select sizes of Sterling Silver Narya’s, Vilya’s and Gollum Creature Rings. Sterling Silver One Ring will be marked down from $89.00 to $62.30. Sterling Silver Nenya’s will be marked down from $99.00 to $69.30. These are the absolute lowest prices on our Lord of The Ring’s Jewelry that can be found anywhere.
We wanted to give you readers an advanced heads up as it’s a wonderful opportunity to save a lot of money. Hope everything is well with you all and that your Comic Con preparations are going smoothly. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help you with. www.badalijewelry.com