was established eleven years ago today, on April 26, 1999. When TORn reached its 10th year in 2009, we had so much fun at the festivities it was decided to make April 26 an annual holiday for the site and call it: “Founder’s Day” in honor of the four fabulous folks who created this place. Last year, we marked our first Founder’s Day with a gala 10-year anniversary event that drew some VIP visitors. This year, things are little more low key, but there are still plenty of activities and surprises in store — so grab your party hat and join the festivities!
Some details on this year’s event:
* Party posts can be found on three of our message boards — Main, Off Topic, and Feedback. Look for “**FD” in the subject lines to spot them!
* New threads will be posted throughout the day, so check back often — and join in all through the week if you are late to the party!
* This year, we’re introducing a new logo for Founder’s Day designed by TORn members. Ainu Laire is the creator of the tree, and the two leaves (one for each Founder’s Day) were designed by Elven and OhioHobbit . A new leaf will be added every year as we celebrate Founder’s Days in the future.
Thanks to the volunteers on the Founder’s Day committee who organized today’s events!