On the Hollywood set of “The Adventures of Tintin” this spring, Steven Spielberg directed an actor in a motion-capture suit as he portrayed the antics of the globe-trotting comic-book hero. One camera was beaming a live feed halfway around the world. Filmmaker Peter Jackson was watching from his headquarters in New Zealand, and discussing the action with Mr. Spielberg via the video link.
Four years after his last movie hit the screen, Mr. Jackson, director of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, is gearing up for an extended run at the box office. In recent years, the director’s projects have been shadowed by lawsuits, delays and studio upheavals. Now, working with a stable of filmmakers, from fellow Oscar-winners to first-time directors, Mr. Jackson is turning out a slew of new movies from his New Zealand-based production hub. He has entered the territory of a small group of directors like George Lucas and Mr. Spielberg, who control their own movie-making empires. More..