Sapience from Turbine sent this in: There’s all kinds of craziness going on with LOTRO right now and we wanted to make sure you caught it all. Enjoy the update!
Welcome back to LOTRO! We kicked off our Second Anniversary with a week-long welcome back for former subscribers from April 24-30. Not only are we giving returning players an entire week of free game play, 25% bonus XP on mob kills, and the Anniversary token event, but there are currently some great subscription offers for everyone too!
LOTRO Turns 2!
Our Second Anniversary is upon us and Welcome Back Week is just the beginning! We have an exclusive item for subscribers at the end of our festivities, bonus XP on mob kills, and other exciting plans we’ve yet to reveal! All in celebration of two years of LOTRO! See all the details at! (
It’s the return of the “Tell the Community Team” threads!
We have amazing fans and we love hearing what they have to say about LOTRO. As part of our constant efforts to improve the game and make Middle-earth a more vibrant place we’ve brought back the “Tell the Community Team” threads, a regular feature on our forums that gives the community a chance to tell us what they think. For the current topics, grab the link! (
New Guides and Features.
The Lord of the Rings Online™ is all about exploration and customization. The latest entry in our Exploring Middle-earth series, “The Hero’s Guide to Customization” helps you create your own custom look or add that little something extra to make your character stand out in a crowd. After all, you’ll want to look your best when delving down into the Chamber of Mazarbul!
Customize your Fansite or Kinship page
Our web team has been working overtime to provide the LOTRO community with the tools to tap into’s abilities within their own sites. Now we have two new ways for you to access character data, kinship rosters, and even lorebook entries and tool tips right on your own pages!
For details on how to add tooltips and custom BB Code to your site and forums check out this handy tutorial.(
If you want to really get your hands dirty and build custom code for your site you’ll want to check out Bracket’s Blog with instructions on how to access character and Kinship data from directly on your site or web applications. (