In addition to being a world renowned author, Peter S. Beagle wrote the screenplay for the 1978 animated LORD OF THE RINGS, directed by Ralph Bakshi. Conlan Press has acquired what Warner Brothers insists is the *very last* available DVD stock of the movie. There are exactly 573 copies in this stash, and according to the distributor there are no current plans to re-release the title.
The normal Conlan Press price for a personalized signed copy of this DVD would be $30. To celebrate TORN’s anniversary, however, they are dropping the price to $20 from now through midnight (Pacific time) this Sunday, April 29th. If you want to get one before the price goes back up, go to click on the bright blue ORDER button at the left of the screen, and scroll down to select this special title. Please note: more than half the purchase price goes directly to benefit Peter.
Thank you Peter, and Connor at Conlan Press, for this very special offer.