Well, its April 3rd and that means it is time to announce the winner of the ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ Giveaway! As you know, TheOneRing.net teamed up with Galatia Films to celebrate the DVD release of ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ by giving away the ‘Late 15th Century Bastard Sword’ from Albion Swords! Entering the contest was easy via email or on our message board. We collected near a thousand entries and the randomly chosen winner is…
Patricia Lozon
Congrats to Patricia! We’d like to thank all of those who entered our giveaway. Your participation ensures we will do these types of giveaways in the future! And don’t forget to support our sponsor Galatia Films by purchasing your copy of ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ asap! [Contest Page] [Pre-Order the DVD]