Frandalf writes: I would like to let everyone that in December the library in Oss (the Netherlands, near Den Bosch) will host a Tolkien-exhibit together with Unquendor. There will be an exposition of rare books, film merchandise, banners made by Unquendor and more. On several occasions there will be activities, such as a lecture, workshops and a reading day. All this will be in Dutch.
The exhibit will contain various panels with info on:
-Tolkien: person and author
-Arda and Middle-earth: Tolkien’s fiction
-The Dutch Tolkien Society Unquendor: Tolkien Societies and Tolkien-fandom
-Multimedia: films, games, illustrations and music.
Dates and times:
-The opening will be on December the 2nd at 2PM.
-The exhibit is open during the library’s opening hours from December the 2nd till January the 3rd.
-The lecture will be held on Monday the 15th of December from 8-10PM. Admittance fee is 5euro.
-The reading day takes place on December 17th from 2PM till 5PM.