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Talk about your work on The Hobbit, and also what inspired you to work on so many classic Children’s works. Because obviously Aesop’s Fables, the Wind in the Willows, Peter Pan, Mother Goose – I mean, it seems that you really have a love for works that really touch the hearts of Children. Was that something that you sort of sought out to do, or was it just something that you fell into – because you know some people have a proclivity for that?
It was something that I actually fell into, I mean, I would love to do anything, but the Wind in the Willows was the first big book of mine, and it was a huge hit. The way an actor might get typecast, I think I got typecast as somebody that did classics. Um, I don’t regret it, I had fun doing it, so … but that’s how I really fell into it. I didn’t say I wanted to do (?) just classics.
As I’ve mentioned you’ve worked on, you’ve done illustration work for The Hobbit. I’m sure you’re aware that they’re actually going to be producing new Hobbit films prequels to the Lord of the Rings series – Peter Jackson should be working with Guillermo del Toro. And I talked to Mike Mignola, who actually was the illustrator creator of Hellboy, he said he wanted to work on the Hobbit films if at all possible – I don’t know if they’re gonna allow that to happen because not only have John Howe and Alan Lee done such an amazing job and as I say too many cooks spoil the broth – but have they approached you and would you be interested in working on the Hobbit films?
Michael H:
Oh sure I’d be interested! But no, I haven’t been approached – don’t expect to be approached – [good humoured]. [Sohaib laughs]. I’m just excited as a filmgoer to watch these films when they come out. I’m jazzed by it!
What did you think about the – because obviously your work on The Hobbit came quite a long time before the films reached the big screen, as far of the Lord of the Rings trilogy is concerned – What was your take on Peter Jacksons vision of Tolkien’s seminal work.
Michael H:
It thought it was terrific. I loved everything about it, That’s why I’m thrilled about the Hobbit. The two of them together – hopefully they’ll get the same artist to work on it. So, I’m jazzed about it! [laughs]
A couple of weeks ago we actually spoke to Howard Shore, and he’s actually already started working on the score for the Hobbit, so at least we know a lot of the team is coming back, and obviously the score is such a integral part of the film making process. Given that you’ve done such work, and incredible work on The Hobbit – as an artist, how much of a thrill is it to see I guess, a different representation of a work that you’ve actually worked on the Silver Screen, or be it maybe (in) comic form or on the small screen?
Michael H:
As you said, I did the book The Hobbit early in my career and if I were to do it again it would be quite different. I do remember being rushed on it, one of the things you can’t quite go back and re-do, I guess. But I’m just thrilled to see new versions. Especially as I just loved the movie – I’m such a fan of it.
The reason I bring this up is al lot of our visitors are visitors to fan website and we do a bi-monthly segment with them so, for them the Lord of the Rings is the series – we always have a lot of Star Wars fans as well. It seems that you’re now you’re involved in some capacity in the film industry yourself ..