Crystal Goodbody sends this in: Here’s the latest on this, just received from I presume that the *ROTK Complete Recordings* will be available later, but this email certainly has me wondering. I would love to hear from you or on TORn as to what the situation is regarding other orders that haven’t been filled. Surely if there is sufficient demand, they can run off more of them??
“Hello from We’re sorry to report we won’t be able to obtain the following item from your order: Original Soundtrack (Artist) “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – The Complete Recordings [Import] [Soundtrack]” [Audio CD]
Although we’d expected to be able to send this item to you, we’ve since found it’s not available from any of our sources at this time. We realize this is disappointing news to receive, and we apologize for any inconvenience we’ve caused you.
We must apologize also for the length of time it’s taken us to reach this conclusion. Until recently, we’d still hoped to obtain this item for you. We’ve cancelled this item from your order.”
Xoanon here, we have heard about problems with the ROTK Complete Recordings, but no news yet on what exactly happened, or when new pressings of the CD’s will be available. If anyone knows anything, drop us a line!