James writes: Around 3 weeks ago, we announced that the Association of Model Engineers in Malta will be organizing its annual exhibition from the 8th till the 16th of September, with the main centre-piece being a massive Helm’s Deep Model. Finally, the day has come!
Today, the exhibition was opened and shall run for the entire week-end and the rest of next week until the 16th. The Helm’s Deep diorama measures 2.5metres by 2 metres by 3.25 metres (triangular). Highly detailed Uruk-hai, Men of Rohan and Elves have been placed to re-created the climactic battle as portrayed in the film. Here are some photos of the model itself.
As was said in the first announcement, apart from the Helm’s Deep diorama, a wide range of models (from Military to Science Fiction and Fantasy) are also being displayed. More photos shall be available soon, but in the meantime, check for updates on the AME website. [a-m-e.org]