WizardUniverse.com is reporting that Sam Raimi is definitely NOT involved with the film version of ‘The Hobbit.’ In a late report from Comic-Con about the ’30 Days of Night’ film, Sam Raimi answers the question about his involvement with Hobbit: “I am not involved. I respect the director [Peter Jackson] a great deal and he may do it some day, so no.” Why this specific information has not been reported from a well attended panel discussion at Comic-Con, we don’t know. We will try to confirm this information and report our findings ASAP! [Read Full Report]
UPDATE After checking around a bit with some sources, it seems Raimi is still potentially available to direct ‘The Hobbit.’ His answer to the question during the Comic-Con panel was intended to diffuse more ‘Hobbit’ questions and concentrate on the ’30 Days of Night’ questioning. One source tells us that he was in fact not involved with The Hobbit at that point, as there are ongoing talks about making the Hobbit happen. So his answer of ‘No’ is accurate.