So you signed every petition you could find and wrote lengthy letters to every New Line and MGM-adress you could find and you still feel a little frustrated over all this PJ/Hobbit-news? You still feel a little disappointed and glum? Let’s try and channel that into something fun and creative! Because like Pete said; there is no positive value in bitterness and rancor. would like to invite you to show your support for a Peter Jackson-directed The Hobbit in a positive and creative way, while we wait for new developments. Feel free to participate in one of the following contests with the added footnote that, well, you can’t really win anything!
Show Us Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit!
Let yourself be inspired by our hugely popular (and creative) ‘Show us your DVD’-requests or the even more hilarious 7-Up in Middle-earth campaign we ran. Photoshop, cut and paste a scene, poster or screenshot based on The Hobbit or simply the current situation of the project. Let your imagination run wild!
Peter Jackson Caption Contest!
If you, like myself, can’t photoshop for the life of you, then join in on this caption ‘contest’. Let us know what you think Pete’s thinking!

The rules
Of course there have to be some rules. First of all; don’t be offensive. Though we cannot argue about taste this is not a platform for flamewars and the likes. The TORn Staff will not post entries which they deem to be offensive.
Secondly, if you are going to email us your creations please do so in a decently-sized .jpg-format (our mailserver has suffered enough the last couple of days).
And last but not least: don’t forget that this is supposed to be lighthearted and fun. We are not out to attack anyone, we are going to be supportive and creative!
Entries can be emailed to, keep an eye on the frontpage for them to appear online!