Bruce Hopkins writes: I am just wanting to let you know that on my web site there is now a link to a photo gallery of absolutely stunning shots from the theatre show I was in at the recent Wellington International Arts Festival The Holy Sinner. The Holy Sinner had Cliff Curtis (Bringing Out The Dead, Three Kings, Runaway Jury, Blow) in the lead role. Also in the show were Cameron Rhodes (Farmer Maggot), and Ian Hughes who was a featured Gondorian in ROTK. LOTR’s Grant Major was the designer of the show. Cheers, and all the best for whatever is going on in your life.
By the way while in Wellington I called in for 5 minutes, as that was all the time I had before having to be at a show, to say hi to Tehanu, Vic James, Suzie Knight and a Red Carpet Tour group, who were having dinner at a nice restaurant up from the Embassy Theatre. It was wonderful to meet another group of LOTR enthusiasts. [More]