Daffodil Baggins writes: Sean Astin will be speaking at the annual Starland convention here in Denver, Colorado on April 18th! The convention will cover the entire weekend, April 16-18, but Sean will speak only on Sunday, the 18th.
This is an annual convention covering both Fantasy and Science Fiction genres, and is attended by thousands of people. KathE and Stephen Walker, who run the convention, asked me to tell as many people as possible about Sean’s coming to speak, which was only confirmed just today; they now have him under contract to attend, barring any last-minute professional committment, or an emergency.
They would love for as many people to attend as possible, to show support and appreciation for Sean and his work. If you would include this bit in your news section, it would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to talk to KathE or Stephen about the convention, their organization is Starland, and their phone number is: 303-777-6800; their website is: www.starland.com