For over five weeks we have been offering tickets to Trilogy Tuesday via Ticket Exchange. These tickets, sold by fans at face value to other fans, have come to represent to me all that is good in the world of Tolkien fandom. Conversing with the sellers, the buyers, and those who just hoped to get their hands on a ticket has been really uplifting. I only wish that there were tickets for everyone.
Tonight marks the end of the Ticket Exchange program, barring any last minute ticket offers. Should more sellers emerge, we will continue posting. At this time however, these are the final six ticket offerings.
Much thanks to everyone who has participated!
Please be certain to include in your e-mail: Your Name, your e-mail address, and a phone number if possible.
CHICAGO, IL: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
Tonight’s ticket exchange offering is for ONE ticket to the AMC River East in Chicago, IL. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $31 + postage. The subject line MUST read: “My Kind of Tickets, Chicago is..”
ONATARIO, CANADA: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
This ticket offering is for TWO tickets to the Famous Players Coliseum in Mississauga, Ontario. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $101 (Canadian) + postage. The subject line MUST read: “Oh, Ontario Tickets Please!”
SAN JOSE, CA: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
This ticket offering is for TWO tickets to the Oakridge Century 20 in San Jose, CA. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $81 + postage. This price includes the “Hobbit Snack” advertised by the theater. The subject line MUST read: “Send Me To San Jose.”
FRESNO, CA: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
***IMPORTANT NOTE***: These tickets are electronic tickets. The seller is looking to find someone who will meet them at the theater the day of Trilogy Tuesday to arrange a cash/ticket swap. Anyone responding to this offer should provide their phone number so the seller may contact them to make these arrangements. Anyone uncomfortable with this scenario should not respond.
This ticket offering is for TWO tickets to the Edwards Stadium 21 in Fresno, CA. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $72. The subject line MUST read: “Fresno Tickets Wanted.”
MANCHESTER, CT: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
***IMPORTANT NOTE***: This ticket is an extra from a group of 3 people who are looking for a 4th person who would be able to go to the theater early in the day and save seats (if possible) for the group, who cannot arrive until the start of the Trilogy showing. Interested parties should be prepared to discuss this with the seller.
This ticket offering is for ONE ticket to the Buckland Hills Showcase in Manchester, CT. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25. The subject line MUST read: “Mad for Manchester Ticket.”
CLEVELAND, OHIO: WE HAVE A WINNER. No more e-mails, please.
This ticket offering is for ONE ticket to the Valley View Cinemark in Valley View (Cleveland), OH. The first person to e-mail with the following subject line will be put into contact with the ticket seller. The price is $25. The subject line MUST read: “Oh, Ohio Tickets Please.”
Ok, that’s it folks! I hope everyone enjoys “Return of the King!”