With Trilogy Tuesday only 12 days away, we are stepping up the pace on Ticket Exchange. LOTR fans are surely a generous bunch, and we still have quite a few tickets left to offer. Tonight we have FIVE Ticket Exchange offerings, one of which has special circumstances. Please read all the details carefully before replying. More information on Ticket Exchange can be found here.
A brief excerpt:
When a post is made, the FIRST e-mail I receive — AFTER THE POST IS MADE — expressing interest in that ticket and containing the correct subject line will be put into contact with the ticket-holder.
You will do this by sending an e-mail to maegwen@theonering.net, with the following information:
DO NOT E-MAIL IN ADVANCE OF ANNOUNCEMENTS, PLEASE. THERE IS *NO* WAITING LIST. By expressing interest, you agree NOT to resell this ticket for ANY AMOUNT higher than what you yourself pay for it.
Orange Park, Florida: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please
Rochester, New York: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please
Williamsville, New York
Bakersfield, California: WE HAVE A WINNER! No more e-mails please
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
That’s it for tonight. We will have more ticket opportunities posted tomorrow. Good Luck!