Steve writes: I thought I could make use of your excellent site to advertise Chelmsford Theatre Workshop [CTW]’s production of The Hobbit.
CTW is an amateur theatre group, often admired for its professional standards. Formed in 1969, the group is proud to own its own theatre and currently produces 10 plays a season.
We are based at The Old Court Theatre, Springfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, U.K. A 15 strong cast, most of whom treble up as dwarves, trolls, goblins, etc.. are currently working hard in rehearsals to be ready for opening night on Tue 16 December. I myself am playing Dwalin, an elf, a spider and more excitingly the plum role of Gollum.
We are all enjoying it immensely with the only downer being the prospect of having to miss the opening night of Return of the King.
An equally strong backstage team are also busy creating a multi-levelled set, various costumes and puppets and working on special effects such as how to portray an enormous fire breathing dragon on stage.
Any Tolkien nuts in the region who would like to come and support, please come and swell our audiences. Dates and booking details are below. Please feel free to email me if you require any further information.
Tue 16 – Sat 20 December
Tue 23 December
Wed 24 Decrmber
Fri 26 – Sat 27 December
Tue 30 December
Thu 1 – Sat 3 January
There are also matinées on Sat 20 & 27 Dec, but not sure of time. Please contact Box Office for details.
Book at Civic Theatre Box Office
Chelmsford, UK
Tel: 01245 606505