Ringer Spy Pat from St. Helens, Merseyside, writes: Hi – info about the Trailer for the Return of the King – I’ve just got back from seeing Underworld at Cineworld in St Helens where I live and the first trailer to be shown before the film was for the Return of the King AND it was not either of the two already described on the One Ring Site.
Some of the bits I remember:
Shot of Frodo and Sam climbing to the top of a very high building…
Frodo getting to the top and Gollum suddenly seeing the Ring on Frodo’s neck…
Arwen talking to Elrond about Narsil/Anduril and Aragorn needing it… showing the sword reforged…
Aragorn talking to Gandalf with Gandalf doubting Frodo’s survival…
Aragorn making Gandalf feel stronger by asking what he ‘believes/feels in his heart’ (Sorry, I was so mesmerized I didn’t take in the words properly)…
Aragorn making a speech to the army before the battle making them shout and cheer (you hear him but don’t see him until right at the end of his speech)…
Eomer holding (possibly) King Theoden in his arms…
Frodo running up a passageway holding his light (from Galadriel) being chased by Shelob (I know this was in other reports of
Lots and lots of other bits and all the time the same quotes as already mentioned in other trailers. ‘For every victory’ etc.
It looks absolutely fantastic and we sat there stunned. Whether the trailer is being shown with any other films showing at Cineworld I haven’t a clue. It may be with all films being shown or only with Underworld. Perhaps they shouldn’t be showing it at all yet?
maegwen here: Could it be the trailers differ in the UK from the US?
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