Turimel writes: On Saturday, Sept 20 at 7 PM, there will be a film festival at Lloyd Cinema in Portland, Oregon, featuring LOTR Fan films. (A sample title: “The Blair Nazgul Project.”) Films have been submitted from all over the country, in categories like Original Drama, Parody, Music Video, and more. It promises to be a fun filled evening of Tolkien geekiness for everyone. Tickets are availalbe at ticketweb.com — look under Oregon, then “Lost Palantir.” [More]
Turimel adds, “Up until yesterday Viggo, Dom, and Sean were going to ATTEND the event “if their schedule permitted.” Unfortunately, they have been called in to do ROTK promos and are unable to make it. However, they have promised a video “hello” to fans at the festival, and Sean is scheduled to announce the winners live by phone!”