HavensSpy Christian writes in with good news from this month’s Nintendo Power magazine:

I thought you might like some LotR news from the video gaming world. I am a subscriber to Nintendo Power and in this month’s issue (released to the general public in about a week or two) the Nintendo Power Awards were announced. Different categories with preselected games were voted on by readers via mail-in card and online response. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers for GameCube and GameBoy Advance were able to take a few
awards and were runners-up:

Best Cut Scenes: GameCube
Best Music Based on a Preexisting Source: GameCube
Best Voice Talent: GameCube
Best New Character: Aragorn – GameCube
and my favortie…
Best Use of a License: GameCube

TTT beat out the Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
AND Spider-Man games in this category (and all

TTT also recieved the first and second runner-up for
the following categories:
Best Graphics – GameCube: 1st Runner-Up
Best Graphics – GameBoy Advance: 2nd Runner-Up
Best Game – GameBoy Advance: 2nd Runner-Up
Best Sound: 2nd Runner-Up
Ugliest Character: The Uruk-Hai (GameCube) 2nd Runner-Up

Thanks for the report, Christian! Check out this month’s Nintendo Power to see for yourselves, and remember to keep sending all of your Lotr gaming news to havens@theonering.net.