Games Day Los Angeles 2003 Seminar Schedule
9:30-10:30 Videorama & Trivia Contests
10:30-11:30 Warhammer Fantasy with Alessio Cavatore & Jim Butler
11:30-12:30 Black Library Presentation & Readings with Bill King
12:30-1:30 The Lord of the Rings with Alessio Cavatore & Dave Gallagher
1:30-2:30 Warhammer 40,000: The Eye of Terror with Jim Butler
2:30-3:30 Forge World & Specialist Games Combined Presentation
3:30-4:30 Sabertooth Games Presentation
4:30-5:30 TheOneRing.Net Presentation
5:30-6:00 Break for Golden Daemon Awards
6:00-7:00 The Games Workshop Community
7:00-8:00 Overview of Presentations (for those who missed them)
Seminar Descriptions
TheOneRing.Net Presentation
Join in a special talk about the history of Tolkien Gaming! From the dark ages of MUDs and Boards Games, to the modern day Console Game and Tabletop Battle Game! They will also be revealing the inner workings of, the #1 online source for all things Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. The visiting TOR.n panel; including Scenario Author Stephen Grant, will be on hand to show off the site and answer questions on upcoming events.
Black Library Presentation & Readings
Come hear all the plans for the publishing arm of Games Workshop, the producers of our novels, comics, artbooks, technical manuals and other cool stuff. We’ll have authors at each event doing readings and signings plus answering questions from the audience on their upcoming works too!
Forge World Presentation
Head of the Forges himself Tony Cottrell will be showing off upcoming models for Imperial Armor, Battlefleet Gothic, Epic 40K, and more plus getting your feedback on new projects!
The Games Workshop Community
Ever thought of joining the Games Workshop team, either as a staffer or an Outrider? We’ll have people ready to answer your questions about both, plus info on the “Regiments of Renown” Gaming Club Support system, the Rogue Trader Tournament program, and all other aspects of the GW Community such as ever-expanding GW Website. We’ll also be taking your feedback about the show, and ideas
for future events!
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Beyond!
Find out what’s going on for The Lord of the Rings, with news about upcoming expansions, plans for The Return of the King, and more! Get the latest info on the movies and the games here, plus sneak peeks at some of the development artwork and the amazing figures we’ll be releasing!
Sabertooth Games Presentation
The folks who brought you the new Warhammer 40,000 Collectible Card Game are here to show off Warcry, the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle-based CCG. Come and find out all the latest news and find out what’s planned for the future!
Specialist Games (Fanatic) Presentation
The crew from Specialist Games (including Head Fanatic Jervis Johnson, sculptor Mark Bedford, and writer Steve Hambrook) will be here with the news on magazines, miniatures and supplements. Find out the latest plans for Inquisitor, Blood Bowl, Mordheim, Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic, and more!
Videorama & Trivia Contests
Start the convention with Games Workshop videos! We’ll be alternating the short clips with Trivia Contests too. You think you know your rules & background? What about Citadel Miniatures and Games Workshop history? Put yourself to the test and maybe win some prizes!
Warhammer 40,000: The Eye of Terror!
Our Studio guests will be shedding some light in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, with special info on the Eye of Terror worldwide campaign event. Find out the latest on the Chaos invasion, new Cadian forces, Codex: Imperial Guard, and more!
Warhammer Fantasy: The Old World Under Siege
Get all the behind the scenes info on what’s happening for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Not only will you get the latest info on the Lizardmen, Beastmen, and other upcoming releases but inside scoop on the secret plans of Chaos and the new hopes for the Empire!