Debbie A sends along news from a VERY interesting conversation she had with Billy Boyd while he was at Trent University, take a look!
I don’t post at One Ring but lurk quite a bit. I must say your website had been very useful in my LOTR obsession. I found out about the Exbition at the Te Papa Museum and made a point of stopping there on a recent trip to NZ but best of all I found out that Billy Boyd was coming to my home town…
I am well connected with the university and pulled a few strings. And last night before he spoke to the rest of the University, myself and my two sons had a private meeting with Billy for half an hour…
Anyway he told me some interesting things about what will be contained in the extended version of TTT, but I do not want it posted, in case he wasn’t supposed to talk about it. But because you run such a great site I thought I let you know what he told me…but if you post it, just don’t say where it came from, either myself or Billy – Thanks
We were talking about Sean Bean and want an amazing job he did as Boromir and Billy let it slip that he will be in the extended version of TTT but he wouldn’t tell me in what way. Since he also told me that there are many more Fairomir scenes, I was suspecting that maybe it was a type of flashback, similar to the Smeagol/Deagol possible scenes.
…and yes there is more Treebeard, they go to Treebeard’s house and drink Entdraughts and listen to bad poetry.