Liam writes: In your international release dates, you say TTT is released in Singapore on the 20th – but there are a number of of sneak previews before hand! It is because the films are released on a Thursday, although the do have “sneak previews” – last year on December 18th all showings at one of the largest cinemas (9 screens) were FOTR after about 11am.

Tickets are available at although not for all showings yet…

Meanwhile in Costa Rica, Larvarela writes:

The Costa Rica Premier of The Two Towers is December 20th 2002 but….. A Local Newspaper named “La Nacion” is having a very special event.

It’s an Auction of 200 tickets to assits on Tuesday December 17th to The Two Towers Special Premier. Yes, December 17th one day before the official premier.

This special night is in favor of the Make-a-Wish Foundation. 100% of the money will be to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses.

Right now there’re more than 155 persons in the auction an paying as high as 100 Dolars for a single ticket….. Tolkien Fans no doubt!!!

For more info: and also Cinemania

And Gary writes with news of the South African release date of TTT:
According to Numetro LOTR:TTT will be released in South Africa on 18 December 2002.