John Rhys Davies, after a multi-hour operation, performed on friday night by dr Ivan Kirin, has been placed at the Trauma ward of the Rijeka General Hospital and, according to dr Stipe Bezevan, is feeling well.
The actor, famous for his parts in the movies “Victor, Victoria”, “Raiders of the lost Ark” and his latest role of the dwarf Gimli in the cult movie “The Lord of the Rings”, as well as the TV series “War and memories” and “Shogun”, will be one of the most famous patients of the Rijeka Hospital for the next 8 to 10 days, dr. Kirin told us. In addition to a severe arm fracture, he has a large cut on his head, which caused substantial bleeding, but, fortunately, his scull is not fractured. We found out from very reliable sources that J. R. Davies is pleased with his treatment by the doctors and the medical staff, although, doubting the capabilities of our medical experts, immediately after the accident he demanded to be transfered for operation into one of the American hospitals.
While one of the musketeers is forced to rest at the Rijeka Hospital, the filming of “La Femme Musketeer” has been continued on location in Pazin, we have been confirmed in a phonecall by one of the leading members of the Croatian part of the crew, Hrvoje Matasovic. The set knocked over by strong wind which caused injury to J. R. Davies has been repaired, and until the injured musketeer is feeling better, they will be filming scenes which don’t require his presence. …”