More speculation on the opening “Plunge” described by the writers in this article.
Ben rejected the ‘Gandalf and the Balrog falling’ theory:
“Almost certainly not, surely. Any sight of Gandalf early in the film would pre-empt the moment when the Three Hunters find him, which is quite clearly supposed to be his big entrance in TTT, I think. The footage of him and the Balrog will be shown in flashback soon after that, as in the book.”
Loressar Erchamion: “Maybe the opening of TTT shows the boat plunging to the bottom and making its way down the Anduin? Or maybe this is wishful thinking on my part, hoping we’ll get an early intro to the mysterious Captain Faramir of Ithilien.” 😉
David: “It could also be the plunge into the anduin made by Deagol for the ring, we already have some shots from this story telling part, wouldn’t be a bad opening considering Gollum’s right around the corner. Would also kind of continue the prelude to FOTR when we see Isildur “plunge” as well.”
Mendil: “Some have speculated that it is Gandalf and the Balrog plunging into the depths of Moria. I for one don’t believe it (or maybe I don’t want to believe it). It seems that this scene would play when Gandalf meets the Three Hunters, as a flash back.
“Some have also speculated that it is Frodo plunging into the Marshes. But obviously this can’t be the opening.
“We have a clue though – it’s “pure Peter Jackson”. What does this mean? I think it means that there is a frightening moment, delivered as a complete surprise. What else could it mean? I feel that, when this is spoken, they are referring to Jackson’s earlier movies, and not what he did in FOTR. So I’ll be looking for a big scare.
“My surmise is: It is the scene with Sam and Frodo descending the cliff in the Emyn Muil, where they first remember the elven rope. I bet this is turned into a real cliff-hanger! And it’ll involve Gollum, too.
“I cannot see how the Gandalf/Balrog battle would be considered a “pure Peter Jackson moment”.”