Monkeyman writes: I have forwarded below an e-mail that I have received from the UK’s BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) which I think conclusively answers the question of what cuts the UK DVD release of the special edition will include.
No – this is completely untrue (in regards to recent internet rumors, about a severe cut to the UK edition -Xo). The ‘extended version’ of the film has already been seen and passed ‘PG’ uncut. The extra material doesn’t contain any additional violence beyond what was in the film itself – most of the extra footage is extra dialogue and narrative exposition. It may not yet be shown on our website, but this is probably because we are still waiting for the packaging to come in for approval. As for DVD extras, two have received cuts – one to remove uses of “f***ing wanker” that would be unacceptable at ‘PG’ and one to remove a sequence in which a character announces that, after a drunken visit to a piercing parlour, the one Ring has been attached to his *****. Clearly this was unacceptable at ‘PG’ and these extras have therefore been removed. the company were offered a ’12’uncut for the extras but preferred to cut for ‘PG’.