What’s happened to all the news? There’s been all this buildup, this fuss about the Oscars…and now what?
Well, what you see on the front page is not all of what is going on at TORN. We’re knee deep in a flurry of party-planning, a chaos of emails, last-minute plans to meet up, frantic directions on how to connect with each other. People are packing, sorting out what they’re wearing (and how to wear it, if it’s something unfamiliar!) and generally gearing up to leave for the Oscars party.
You see, most of us have never met in real life. Our Oscars party in Hollywood is the first time most of us will see each other. Even the four founding members of the site – well, Calisuri holds a record there, since he’s actually met both myself and Corvar. Xoanon has remained a complete mystery up until now. So we’re excited. Stoked! Revved up! Ready to party!
TORN staff have a certain amount of preparation to do for the party, decorating the club and setting up the registration tables, hanging up balloons etc. We’re still discussing whether the promised media presence makes it worth trying to do those things while wearing a tuxedo or worse, an Elven gown. I didn’t think being a geek entailed risky behaviour but we’ll see if anyone goes up a ladder wearing full costume.
By Sunday there will only be a skeleton staff manning TORN, keeping the news going and keeping the messageboards and chatrooms open. Given the concentrated geekpower at this party it’s likely that there’ll be enough laptops and people willing to use them at a party so we can keep contact in the chatroom at least. Live webcam doesn’t look likely, though I wouldn’t rule it out. TORN Digital is filming the event for later viewing.