Greetings Check out the new Green Books for May. We are up to our eyeballs in good stuff:
Turgon pulled out the big guns against that nasty critic from the New York Times! Check out the wonderful reader response in his Bookshelf.
You will laugh your knickers off when you read Tookishs Ticklers. New cartoons, jokes, and a fine Marx Brothers parody from Whistler.
Anwyn is back, joining us for the mother-lode of all Q&A! We have a jaw-dropping 30 new articles, including:
- Why does Tolkien malign Wolves as evil?
- Why not give the Ring to Treebeard?
- Why is Legolas not respected as a Prince?
- What are the other evils of the world Gandalf mentions?
- Is Rivendell the safest place in Middle-earth?
- Was Grond the same as Morgoths mace?
Our Special Guests include an amazing, in-depth look at the perils of modernity: “Where the Shadows Lie” and a thoughtful take on gender attitudes via Éowyn and Faramir: “Macho Men & Warrior Princesses.”
Moon Letters is updated with new stories, poems, and a great essay on Boromir as the perfect model of Aristotles tragic character: “Looking at Boromir.”
There are new updates in red to previous Q&A.
Join us as we explore the WORDS and WORLDS of Tolkien.
Much too hasty,