Well, this is the beauty of web news! Matt, who initially sent TheForce.net the Laga’aia casting news, just emailed us with news Jay Laga’aia will be playing Ugluk in the upcoming films. For the last 1/2 a year, we thought Nathaniel Lees was cast in this role. Confused? We are too! We are gathering info right now and will report back ASAP.
After some more research, we are without any new information. E!Online, IMDB.com and other sources list Nathaniel Lees as Ugluk. I have also contacted a few folks in the industry and have come up with the standard ‘non answer.’
Some theories have popped up on how this situation could arrise. One suggests that both Lees and Laga’aia are playing Ugluk at different stages of the movie. After all, they are heavily covered with make-up. Another theory suggests Lees was let go from the production and Laga’aia took his place. This second theory does not hold water, considering the news worthy nature of anyone leaving the cast.
We’ll continue to search for answers!