You may remember a few months ago I was interviewed by Assassin Films, who are making a documentary on the world inspired by Tolkien. Since then the film crews been around the world to interview all kinds of Tolkien-inspired artists and musicians as well as people whove had some other connection with the man.
The footage theyve already got is absolutely fascinating. Theres interviews with mellow drop-outs in Haight-Ashbury who own nothing except the clothes they sleep in and their copy of The Hobbit, theres a chat with up-and-coming band Glass Hammer, whose latest album is a tribute to Tolkien throughout, and theres confrontations with security guards around the LOTR sets here in NZ. Its a really fresh look at the world of Tolkien fans!
The film project has its own website where eventually people will be able to download video clips of the work in progress. The site uses Flash, so that the designers can achieve a high quality of sound and images. As the site grows, therell be a place where visitors will be able to meet fellow travellers on the Tolkien road and chat with them.
The sites coming fully live in December this year; meanwhile theres an intriguing kind of introductory trailer already at Assassin Films