Second, in the “Winner/Loser of the Week” feature, the Winner of the Week is The Lord of the Rings. “In its first day on the Internet, the trailer for New Line’s fantasy flick was reportedly downloaded more times then the preview of The Phantom Menace.”
People Magazine’s April 24th edition also jumps in with a review of 28 Days. Here Viggo gets a very brief mention as a fellow patient.
The April issue of Movieline magazine lists 400 Hollywood factoids, a few of which concern our intrepid cast members.
# 176: “Until the age of 10, Liv Tyler (Arwen) believed that her biological father was rock star Todd Rundgren, not rock star Steven Tyler, her actual father.”
# 219: “Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) speaks fluent Spanish and Danish.”
# 256: “Cate Blanchett (Galadriel) claims to be distantly related to LOUIS BLÉRIOT (1872-1936), the first aviator to have crossed the English Channel.”