Our very own Ian McKellen (Gandalf) participated in a Yahoo! Chat not just 5 minutes ago, starting at 8:30 EST. While that chat was mainly about X-Men, there were a few LOTR Q and A’s that managed to get snuck in:
Yahoo: Has PJ changed the story much?
IM: Yes, he’s translated it from 3 books into 3 films, so it has changed alot, has he changed the story? no. We literaly go back to Tolkien’s work and re read what he wrote.
IM: I’ve just been working with Christopher Lee (Saruman) the great english horror movie actor.
Yahoo: Did you have any experince riding before lotr started filming and are you learning it/finding it enjoyable?
IM: I’ve been riding on and off for 30 years and that is the only time that I ride. My horse was so frisky that it had to be controlled out of site of the camera by 6 hefty wranglers.
Yahoo: How do you compare Gandalf to Magneto?
IM: I don’t make any connection, of course they both contain alot of Ian McKellen, inevitably.
Yahoo: The LOTR trailer has more downloads than TPM, what does that say to the popularity to the mooks?
IM: It’s been called the most popular book in the 20th Century, so those numbers aren’t that surprising.