The time of conventions is upon us. There are conventions of every sort and nature coming up, all over the United States and the world. So I thought I would draw your attention to a couple of them.
ImagineCon takes place in Virginia Beach, Virginia April 20-23, 2000. Calisuri and myself will be in the honourable company of the likes of Gary Gygax and a slew of others. You can find out more information at their site
DragonCon will be in Atlanta, Georgia from June 29 – July 2, 2000. Attendees include Brad Dourif, Calisuri, Jincey, and Michael Martinez. There will be some excellent panels relating to the Lord of the Rings movies. You can find out the complete scoop at their site
MythCon XXXI will be at Kilauea Military Camp, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii from August 18 – 21, 2000. Alot of the people who made me feel so welcome last year at MythCon XXX will be there, regrettably I will not be able to attend. If you can make it to this event I am sure you will have a wonderful time. You can find out about the convention and other thinks related to the Inklings at the site. MythCon XXXI specific information can be found here.
Last but not least, Worldcon the 58th annual World Science Fiction convention is in Chicago, Illinios August 31st – September 4, 2000. I don’t have a ton of information at this time, but you can find out what I know at the site.
Stay tuned to our events page for more convention information.