Your very own Calisuri and Corvar will be at Imagine Con, get a chance to meet them and talk serious Tolkien!

Can you Imagine? Imagine Con is a Fantasy, Comic, Sci-Fi, Horror, and Toy Fair convention. On April 20-23, 2000 in Virginia Beach, Virginia at the Virginia Beach Pavilion and Double Tree Hotel your Imagination is the only thing you will need to have for four days of incredible out of this world fun and excitement! There will be guests, contests, games to play, panels & seminars to attend, an independent movie festival, awesome giveaways, live theater performances, plus much much more! The Imagine Con website has all the information you will need plus all events are listed with a brief description and the Schedule section is also posted and is being updated daily. Memberships to the con may be purchased with their secure online store from the website. Let your imagination run wild in April at Imagine Con!

John Prescott – Chairman – Imagine Con