Well, musical instruments at least. Check out what Xtem reports!

After being lost in the deep south for what seemed like an eternity (actually it was only 1 week – and I had to be gone just when filming began at Helm’s Deep!), I have come back with some results of what I was hopping to find.

Coming across a very small hut in the middle of nowhere, I discovered it housed an artist who did carvings out of wood, and specialised in musical instruments. In a glassed case where a couple of instruments with a note on them, reading something along the lines of :

These musical instruments have been used in the Peter Jackson movie Lord of The Rings which is still in production. Be sure to be on the look out for them when the movie comes out!


I have provided links to the Scrapbook with images and info about each instrument. These images are NOT from Xtems spy hunt.

Instruments as follows :

1 Medival Lute
1 Medival Vihuela
1 Body Harp
1 Medival Dulcimer