You want to talk Tolkien? Discuss those burning issues that were never resolved to your satisfaction? Here is your chance. is opening a moderated chat, the Hall of Fire. The topic will be announced in advance so you can study up on it.

The rules for this dicussion are similar to Baliman’s rules. But you must stay on topic. As this will be a more formal and scholarly endeavor no sounds,color or art will be allowed. The room will be open only for the announced discussions. From time to time we will try to have guest scholars involved for you to discuss your ideas about Tolkien.

Get your calendars. The first chat is set for Saturday,November 13, 1999 at 3:30 EST. The topic is:

Glorfindel: Elf of Gondolin, Elf of Rivendell, or Both?

Join Gandalf, Gamgee, and Pipesmoke(your moderators), regulars at Barliman’s, for a lively and thought provoking hour of debate. This will be a regular event. Watch for a schedule of time, dates, and topics.

See you all in the Hall of Fire!