Xoanon here,
I will try to find more about this, right now this is what I recieved:
Sierra Cancels Babylon 5 And More in Reorganization
On the heels of another reorganization, Sierra On-Line has elected to cancel several titles it claims did not meet its success criteria. Cancelled titles include Desert Fighters and Pro Pilot Paradise at the company’s Dynamix studio, Babylon 5, a project of Sierra Studios, and Orcs: Revenge of the Ancient. The product cancellations will result in the loss of 105 jobs.
The company today also announced a reorganization into three business units: Core Games, Casual Entertainment and Home Productivity. This new structure is effective immediately. Core Games features several renowned development teams including Impressions Games, Papyrus, Sierra’s Northwest studio and the Tribes team. In addition to Valve, other third party relationships include Relic and Massive Entertainment. Core Games will focus on strategy, action, RPG and adventure games.
Casual Entertainment includes the Hoyle line, the Trophy Bass Fishing series, Professional Bull Rider, the Field and Stream Hunting series, the 3D Ultra series, Austin Powers: Operation Trivia and other similar titles. This group has a 26 percent share of the casual entertainment business. Home and Productivity will publish titles for gardening, home design, home publishing, family heritage, digital imaging and web page design.
From: The Adrenaline Vault
Thanks to Hastur for the tip