Active Tolkien fan Mortimus had a look and sent in this description of the Bree set:
I saw Bree yesterday and it looked awesome. The set is wooden, extended onto old 2-storeyed army barracks (the site is a decomissioned fort in Seatoun) – about 30-40 metres long, basically forming a graded alleyway or small section of street with ‘frontages on either side. Shingled roofs, small windows, an arched doorway which looks to actually lead into the real entrance of the building behind it, and some steps leading up to this. No signage though. The odd thing is that there are residential houses next door and a public walking track overlooking this (the set is at the foot of a hill), so for the moment it’s been quite easy to get a look at what’s going on there – I imagine this will be closed pretty soon though!
OK, excellent work! Wonder what the neighbours are going to make of all that!