We’ve wondered how the the hobbits will be made to look small against other animals like horses etc. Looks like one option may be the use of really huge animals. I talked to somebody who owns the world’s largest cattlebeast, a South Devon steer. He weighs two tonnes (well over 4000lbs) and stands over six feet high. Already a local celebrity in Levin, Big Red has been approached to play a part in the movies. They were going to ship him to ‘near Hamilton’ (which is where Hobbiton is located) but Big Red doesn’t travel well.
I asked if Big Red would have to do anything special but the owners thought he might be more of a backdrop to make the hobbits looks smaller. I wonder if the casting agents are scouring the country for enormous chickens and giant cabbages and so on?
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We had a few changes over the weekend. The most exciting of which are the new forums! Go to the Discussion section to see the new boards. (One is even a game!)
Thanks to Sean Michaels for this weeks poll! Its a real brain bender.
Have a great week everyone! (I hope to met everyone chat room!)
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Check the Fan Art page for this update.
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Check out NZ Exclusives for the update.
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AICN(aint-it-cool-news.com) is reporting that Timothy Spall has not been cast for the part of Gimli.
Truth or rumor? Who knows. Expect the complete cast list in September. And in the meantime, we will try to get you as much info as possible.
Since the majority of this info will be coming from our ‘spies,’ make sure you check out the Spy Reports section for the most current rumors.
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