Some cool news for sword-replica fans. Sword and knife retailer BUDK tells us they will be the exclusive premier dealer for United Cutlery’s licensed movie replicas of weapons used in The Hobbit movie trilogy.
The Hobbit line will consist of dwarven and elven weapons and arms replicas, along with iconic items such as the staff of Gandalf, Sting, and the sword of Thorin Oakenshield, Orcrist.
Each collectible will be replicated from the actual film props created by Weta Workshop for the film production. Sting and Orcrist swords and scabbards, and the new Gandalf Staff will debut in late 2012.
The lowest numbers in these laser-serialized, limited-edition items will exclusively debut at for pre-order on October 1, 2012. BUDK says that they will ship as soon as the items become available in stock.
Because of overwhelming requests from Tolkien fans, a limited run of previous Lord of The Rings swords will also be available.
The original LOTR Gandalf staff, the fighting knives of Legolas, the sword of King Elessar of Gondor will also be reproduced. They are already available for order at the BUDK website.