If you have followed the history of TheOneRing.net, you know that Oscar season has a special meaning to us and our community. In the early 2000s, we were privileged enough to host three memorable events in Los Angeles: 2002’s ‘The One Party;’ 2003’s ‘Two Towers One Party;’ and 2004’s ‘The Return of the One Party.’ The last party, which corresponded with The Return of the King winning 11 Academy Awards, was such a success the LA Times called it ‘The hottest bash in town’ on Oscar Night. [LA Times] After the break, you can see a video of some highlights from that event. [Video] We are very excited to announce that we will be holding another party on Oscar night 2013 – ‘The One Expected Party.’ Like our previous events, we are making this a fan-centered celebration of all things Middle-earth, but also a celebration of the release of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.’ Even if no nominations are awarded to the first Hobbit film, the party will still take place! The planning and coordination to get the party going has been quite significant and is already in motion, however we would love to get your ideas and insight via the following form. If you have any interest in the party, please take a couple of minutes and submit the form below. Thank you for your participation and we will be updating you along the way as prepare for Oscar night 2013. In the meantime, enjoy this year’s Academy Awards on Sunday.

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