Breaking news from There has been an industrial accident on the set of Sir Peter Jackson’s film The Hobbit. The fire service says two people received burns in the incident at the Stone Street studios in the Wellington suburb of Miramar. It is understood their injuries are minor. There is no word on the exact cause of the accident. More to follow.
UPDATE: From The Dominion Post Two people have been hurt in a small explosion at the studios where the Hobbit is being filmed. The Fire Service confirmed they were called to an “industrial explosion” at the Stone St studios in Miramar. Wellington Free Ambulance said two people were treated at the scene and were taken to hospital. A small fire followed the explosion but it was out when firefighters arrived.
A spokesman for Wingnut Films said the explosion was in a workshop, not on set, and filming was continuing. An investigation had been launched. The two people were taken to hospital as a precaution, the spokesman said.