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Garfeimao writes: Tonight, Friday, April 29, was the awards ceremony for the Newport Beach Film Festival. Ringers: Lord of the Fans took home one of the awards, for Best Documentary: Feature Length, early on in the evening. The Festival website should be updated in the next day or so to reflect all the awards, because there were many.
It was a nice, rather simple ceremony, for a really great film festival. The awards were spread out amongst genres and film styles, which was really nice to see. Shorts, Documentaries, features, everyone had their own categories, with mulitiple winners in all of them. Nearly all the Ringers crew was present and went up onstage. I’ve included some pictures to show who was there and how silly they all got celebrating.
BTW, all you Ringers, you really made an impression on the Festival staff. How do I know this? Aside from several festival staff constantly congratulating the crew on the film and having such wonderful fans, many of you were featured in their Recap videos. That’s right, during their opening ceremony for the awards presentation, they showed clips from the events, and there was Aragorn and an Ithilien Ranger out on the dance floor. Later on, when they did a tribute to the fans attending the festival, the only one’s they talked to were those of you in line at the Lido Line Party, and there were many of you interviewed. So, Ringers the film made an impact on the festival staff, and so did all of you Ringers fans.
I hope that those of you who live in So Cal enjoyed the festival and will go back next year, I know I will. I’ve gone every year they’ve had the festival and it just keeps getting better and better. For me, it’s really nice to have a film festival so close to my home so I don’t have to trek up to LA. But it helps that it’s also a quality event and staffed by such nice people who throw really great parties.