Hello Folks,
It seems Harry over at Ain’t It Cool has debunked the Game Castlist/Voice Character refrence thing, Thank Frikkin’ God.
Hello Folks, It seems Harry over at Ain’t It Cool has debunked the Game Castlist/Voice Character refrence thing,…
Continue ReadingHello Folks,
It seems Harry over at Ain’t It Cool has debunked the Game Castlist/Voice Character refrence thing, Thank Frikkin’ God.
Yesterday we reached a new record for traffic on the site. Over the day we received 115,913 hits, which is 14195 pages viewed, by 3523 different IP addresses.
Thanks to everyone who made us a hit.
This comes from the cool dudes at Corona now before you all read this I want you all to take a deep breath….and relax. These names are used as simply IDEAS for the creators of the characters to get an initial idea…to start building little statues and wire frame models of what will eventually be the real characters. Now….read on
One of our scouts we sent up into the high country recently returned with some exciting news about the future video games based on the movies and the kinds of voices the programming developers should have in mind while developing the early formative stages for the game’s characters. The games will be for the PC and PlaysStation gaming arenas, but the name of the computer gaming company is currently unknown – for the moment. You may commence drooling now.“The company in question has received a preliminary ‘potential’ cast list of the films so that they can begin voice casting for the games and preliminary facial modeling. Now this cast list is NOT NECESSARILY the cast of the films, or even necessarily the actors New Line is considering.
“It’s a list made so that the voice department can find actors who sound reasonably similar to those on the list and so that the 3D model makers can have a reference for their art.
“Note that even if these will not be the actors that end up in the films, New Line is at least reasonably confident that they’re the ‘types’ their looking for, since the game voices/art will be using their likeness as references. (I say ‘as a reference’, because the perfect imitation/likeness can’t be used legally unless it’s authorized by the actor or comes w/the LOTR license.)
“Anyway… now the good stuff. Hold on to your hats and underwear ladies and gentlemen, because some of these are un-f@!#$n-believable…
“(note: my friend told me that some roles had more than one name next to them, which leads me to believe even more that this is just a list of potentials rather than people actually cast)
The Fellowship:
(My friend couldn’t remember which was which of the 2 above.)… and that’s all my friend told me…
“On the whole… wow! Much more star power than anyone thought! I guess they’ll be taking pay cuts for LOTR (or so New Line better hope) ! And finally I heard of something that makes sense for Connery. This explains all the vague LOTR hints and Gandalf-denials his camp has been giving.” [Scooped by ‘Gwaihir’, who owns the only shop in the Elf land of Rivendell where they can rent PlayStations and games.]
My Spy over at the production Company that made the LOTR book commercial has come through with a downloadable version for your PC. It’s 1653K It took me about 9 mins so that ain’t bad. Watch it now!
Xoanon here,
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Ain’t It Cool is reporting that ex-Goonie Sean Austin might be up for the role of Sam. Personally I find him a bit Hobbitish, but the Rudy guy as Sam? i dunno…
Xoanon here,
With all the additons that we are making to the site. we find that the 4 of us are needing another person to lighten the load. So we come right out and ask: ‘wanna work for us?’
What we are looking for are Tolkien book know-it-alls, I mean real high calibre stuff. If you know everything there is to know, have some spare time, and want to work with us, let us know.
Please note that you will not be a full partner, you will not have access to the news or email or scoops or anything like that (needless to say you will not get paid) but you will have your own Tolkien Literary Section, we do not yet know exactly what we want in the section, but if you are a Tolkien know-it-all, they we are looking for you.
You also must be a skillful writer who is responsable, can work late hours, have an excellent grasp of the english language, and work as a team.
I will only accept interested people who call me on the phone (sorry if you live quite far) you must have access to a computer (duh) and ICQ, THIS IS MANDITORY. You may call me any time, day or night leave a message if there is no answer, and in the message BE SURE TO LEAVE YOUR e-mail address.
Exciting times eh?! so if this sounds like you. give me a ring!