12-03-04 Latest News |
Christopher Lee Rocks
Xoanon @ 11:12 am EST
Bjoern writes: Here's some news regarding Christopher Lee, it has been published today by GMX Online Magazine:
Here is a translation (made by myself):
For outsiders it is perhaps a bit bizarre, that actor Christopher Lee (Count Dooku, Saruman, Dracula) starts his musical career with a metal band. But as yesterday in cologne-ehrenfeld (germany) suddenly many musician, technicians and actors appeared, this seemed to be the most usual thing in world.
For the epical-metal-formation Rhapsody (Italy) Lee took over the role as narrator and kept with his voice their album "Symphony of the Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret" together. But then came the idea to record the song "The Magic of the Wizard's Dream" with a big choir and orchestra again, but this time as duet with the more classical oriented ex-Dracula. And because for those curiosities there are only a few experts, it was no question to make this production with Joey DeMaio (Manowar). He had much to do, the single had to be finished before starting the video production.
It was a bit difficult to fit into the amazingly accurate timing of a rock production, Lee mentioned. Freestyle wasn't asked in his duet with Rhapsody singer Fabio Lione. In addition the song was recorded in four different languages - italian, english french and german. And always there were problems distributing the text, Lee complained. The sound differs from his personal taste, but the young audience likes it, that's the main thing.
The official Rhapdosy homepage added a small note regarding their new single, saying...
RHAPSODY has just confirmed that they will enter the recording studio together with film legend Christopher Lee, to re-record the song "The Magic Of The Wizard's Dream" from their latest release "Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret".